Why Your Brand Might Want to Get a Text Message Marketing Service

An estimate of 65% of the worldwide population owns a smartphone so every business that wants to grow should use a digital marketing strategy to build customer loyalty and generate more sales. Text message marketing service is a technique that consists of sending promotional messages to subscribers and target a large number of audience with just one message. SMS marketing can be just as important and effective as social media marketing or email marketing. If your brand wants to start using this strategy but you aren’t sure yet, here are the top 5 reasons to get a text message marketing service.


SMS marketing service is a great choice for small businesses who don’t have enough money to pay for a social media marketing campaign but still want to grow their audience, it doesn’t cost a lot of many to send a message and even if you hire a company like textedly.com to customize your messages and help you build an audience, the prices are still pretty affordable compared to a Facebook ad campaign.

It is an Immediate Channel

Once you press the send button the message will be delivered instantly, SMS has a read rate of 97% within 15 minutes delivery so you can be sure that your customers will read your messages after a few minutes because texts are way easier to open than emails. Another important factor is that text messages don’t require graphic design, any printings, or materials to gather, you just need the right message to attract your customers.

Reach a Larger Audience

About 52,2% of all online traffic is generated through mobile phones so it seems smart to use them as a way to grow your audience, in particular, SMS because customers don’t require an internet connection to open them it gives your business the opportunity to reach to a larger audience and with the help of textedly.com you will know what to say to gain customer loyalty.

Higher Open Rate than Emails

Statistics don’t lie. Texts are opened up to 98% of the time when received by the customers which give SMS a higher open rate than other marketing choices and avoid situations like getting your email in the spam folder where it would never be read. You can be sure that your SMS won’t get ignored.

Engage with Your Customers

You can easily get feedback from your customers with the use of … Read the rest

Here’s What You Need to Know Before Getting Plastic Surgery

Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has gained immense popularity among all generations. The reason for this is the huge advancement of techniques that solve even the most complicated aesthetic problems of the body and face. There is not a single part of the human body that is not available for this functional or aesthetic solution of problems and defects. Of course, as with other cases, cosmetic surgery raises suspicion in individuals who are unaware of the benefits or those who observe it through cases of exaggeration.

Millions of people every year make the decision to do plastic surgery. It may sound tempting to change some part of the body you’ve despised for years, but before you decide to go under the knife, myfacesurgeon.com offers you a few facts to think about beforehand.

Increased self-confidence

We are not all born with the sweetest nose, and our skin as we age gets wrinkled. With plastic surgery, people have a new option, to reshape some parts of the body that they find unattractive. Also, women are opting for cosmetic surgery to remove aging signs. myfacesurgeon.com surgery can also repair any body damage caused by an inherited problem, or an infection. Successful plastic surgery will help you look more attractive and be more confident.

Health benefits

People with long-lasting physical problems may have huge benefits from this sort of surgery. For example, women who have huge breasts sometimes have terrible back pain, and here plastic surgery is an ideal solution – breast reduction is performed by plastic surgery. Also, people with excess skin on their eyes can perform eyelid lifting and thus solve this problem.

Permanent solutions

Many procedures provide lasting effects. Ear, nose, mole removal, liposuction, and other surgeries are performed once, and the results are permanent. In some other cases, such as breast surgery, the durability may be diminished over time due to aging or bad life habits. In order to preserve the appearance after the intervention, it is desirable to follow the rules of a healthy diet and forget about smoking.

Final words

So, before you decide on this surgery, you need to do make a deep investigation. Talk to several doctors and ask about the experience they have in this field. Also, try to speak with other people who had a similar operation. And finally, ask surgeons about the price. And most important of all, ask yourself what you expect from the … Read the rest

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